Marie Allsopp
Purdue University
Poster A:
R-1-2-3: Lessons Learned After One Semester At an R-1 University!
Annalie Campos
Oakland University
Poster B:
Stories in Classrooms with Foreign-born Professor
Emily Dutton
Indiana University
Poster C:
Collaboration and Comradery: Living-Learning Center Curriculum Fosters Community and...
Carla Floyd-Slabaugh
Scott Truskowski
Grand Valley State University
Poster D:
Flipped Orientation: Using Classroom Strategies to Redesign Program Orientation
Jaclyn Gaule
Wayne State University
Poster E:
Selling an Idea: A Critical Thinking Activity
Nancy Grigg
University of Michigan- Flint
Sherri Donovan
Baker College of Allen Park
Tammie Elgammal
Baker College of Allen Park
Poster F:
Framing for Meaningful Learning: A Critical Thinking Experience
Judy Haefner
Marilyn Filter
University of Michigan- Flint
Poster G:
Interprofessional Education and Collaboration in the Graduate Nursing Mental Health...
Cassandra Hansel
Central Michigan University
Poster H:
Integrating Self-Efficacy and Task Oriented Messages in Social Media
Christopher Kellner
Victoria Fleenor
Cornerstone University
Poster I:
Listening to Students: Integrating Computer Information Systems into Finance Curriculum
Christine Kenney
Melissa Sreckovic
University of Michigan- Flint
Poster J:
Practicing What We Preach: Differentiating Instruction in Higher Education Classrooms
Sarah LeBlanc
Perdue University Fort Wayne
Poster K:
Teaching Communication Course(s) Without Communication Students: A Project-Based Learning...
Margaret Mikula
Elaine Meyer
University of Michigan- Dearborn
Poster L:
Building Confidence Intervals and a Bridge to the Library
Larissa Miller
Lansing Community College
Poster M:
Moral Distress in Nursing Students: Precursor to Early Occupational Burnout?
John Posillico
Ferris State University
Poster N:
Defining Soft Skills for Comprehension and Incorporation into Technical Programs
Jessica Rico
Oakland University
Poster O:
Academic Coaching: Using Life Coaching Skills in the Classroom
Julie Apker
Susan Stapleton
Mary Anne Sydlik
Western Michigan University
Poster P:
Promoting Inquiry-Based Teaching in STEM: Professional Development for TAs
Jeff Thomas
Joyce Gulley
University of Southern Indiana
Poster Q:
Bringing Learning Alive Through Video
Tina Thornton
Saginaw Valley State University
Poster R:
Collaboration Between Nursing and Theatre Department in Simulation
Maureen Tippen
University of Michigan- Flint
Poster S:
Embedding the Art of Nursing in a Pediatric Clinical Course
R. Marshall Werner
University of Michigan- Flint
Poster U:
LightBoard Videos to Reduce Cognitive Loading
Mike Vasicek
Steven Hundersmarck
Ferris State University
Poster V:
Thinking Through Video. An abstract of the material follows