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Preparing your Presentation

Your primary audience members are college and university faculty and administrators. Plan to leave a few minutes for questions. The participants at the Lilly Conferences are excellent teachers and bring a lot of good ideas to the sessions!

40-Minute Presentations

Lilly participants expect to be active participants in the discussion and not lectured to for the full length of the session. Think of yourself as a facilitator who not only presents content but guides applications and discussions about the topic at hand. PowerPoint use should be limited to convey key points and graphical or visual information. Lilly presentations are known for being interactive with active learning exercises. Be creative! A “mini-lecture” format with the use of at least one activity, a demonstration of your favorite teaching method, and/or discussion time is really important. Consider what activities will best support the accomplishment of the presentation objectives while allowing your colleagues to interact and to be engaged.

Round Table Discussions

Your role for the 30-minute roundtable discussion is to facilitate a conversation around the topic you have proposed. You might start with a brief overview of the topic or issue and follow with a short summary of your interest or experience. As a discussion leader, plan to ask and receive focused questions that guide the discussion among all participants at your table. This is an opportunity for you and your colleagues to share ideas and thoughts related to a topic of common interest.

20-Minute Presentations

The 20-minute sessions are brisk and information driven. Please plan your presentation to fit into the time allowed for the session as another session is scheduled immediately following yours. Practice to be sure your timing is accurate. Think of this type of session as a mini-lecture.  You are NOT expected to do active learning in these sessions, but it may be included if specifically relevant.

Digital Poster Gallery

Digital images of each poster will be displayed in the conference app prior to the start of the conference. The Poster Session will be held in a single space, and will function akin to an open house.  Small print outs of each poster will be on display. Presenters are assigned to specific tables, denoted by a tent sign showing the title of the poster and the name(s) of the presenters. Presenters are prepared to provide attendees with a brief overview of their work and to answer questions.


​Session Outcomes

As you develop your presentation, refer to the learner-centered outcomes you submitted in your proposal. These outcomes are included in the digital abstracts on our website and within the mobile conference App.  At the end of the session, your colleagues should be able to refer to the session outcomes and assess if they have indeed been accomplished.


Session Handouts

Participants will learn a great deal at this conference in a short period of time and handouts are a helpful way for individuals to reflect on what they have learned. We encourage presenters to upload a PDF of your session handout to your session listing in Sched.

If you have difficulty, please email the handout to us and we will upload it on your behalf.


Session Evaluations

Session evaluations are useful artifacts for our presenters. Not only does the feedback help our presenters grow, the comments help them refine their talking points for future presentations. Additionally, the summary statement of the collected assessment is valuable for promotion and tenure. Please make it a point to complete a session evaluation form for each session you attend.

Room Set Up & Technology

20- & 40-Minute Concurrent Sessions


Rooms will be set up classroom style with room for 20-40 participants (depending on the room)

Each room will be provided with:​

  • a projection screen

  • an LCD projector with HDMI cable

  • external speakers available upon request

  • a wireless internet connection



You must bring your own laptop/tablet.

If your laptop does not have an HDMI port, please bring an adaptor. 

Making a Difference Together


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