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SESSION ABSTRACTS Listed in alphabetical order by the lead presenter’s last name



Concurrent Sessions: A B C D F G H J K L M N O P R S V W | Round Tables

Meta-cognitive Strategies to Support Student Success

Judy Ableser - Oakland University


This interactive session will demonstrate a range of meta-cognitive strategies to enhance effective learning. A “Learning to Learn” Handbook will be shared with participants.


Abstract: Although it is necessary for effective instructors to teach content knowledge and disciplinary skills, it may not be sufficient for successful learning. Meta-cognitive strategies, or skills to help students think about thinking and learning, can enhance the probability that students will be successful in retaining, demonstrating and transferring deep learning. Exemplary instructors can support student success by embedding some simple meta-cognitive strategies and learning techniques into their teaching. Participants will practice and apply some techniques including goal setting, meta-cognitve note-taking, critical reading and study skills.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe how and why meta-cognitive strategies helps students be more successful in the classroom. (2) Practice and apply some meta-cognitive strategies that they can use in their own classrooms. (3) Use (and take with them) a handbook of meta-cognitive and learning strategies that they can share with their students.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Engaging/Motivating Students



Pride Cupcakes: Creating Safe and Inclusive Classrooms for All Students

Jjenna Hupp Andrews - Mott Community College


This session explains who LGBTQAI+ students are on our campuses and practical techniques for making our classrooms and campuses safe and inclusive of all students.


Abstract: Ever have a transgender or gender nonconforming student in your class and wonder how to address them without embarrassing or offending them? Ever wonder who the LGBTQAI+ acronym includes? Ever feel like you want to be more inclusive of all identities in your classroom but do not know where to start or who to ask? This is the session for you. Come with questions you have always been afraid to ask; leave with practical knowledge, techniques, materials, and resources to make your classroom safe and inclusive of all students, no matter their identities… and cupcakes!


Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand and describe in everyday language the difference LGBTQAI+ identities and gender-related terms, concepts, and cultures that are relevant to the classroom and campus. (2) Utilize the given materials, tools, and techniques in their classroom as appropriate, creating a safe, inclusive learning environment. (3) Understand these marginalized populations and with practical ideas for how to foster an open and inclusive environment in their classrooms and on their campus, where students of all identities can feel a part of their campus community.


Track/Theme: Diversity/Inclusion



How I Engaged My Students with Online Discussion Variety

Daniel Arnold - Oakland University


Learn different ways to engage students in your online discussions. See new tools and assessment approaches that will keep your students engaged all semester long.


Abstract: Let’s face it - online discussion boards are boring for faculty and students. Students tire of the “one original post and two reply” format, and instructors disengage from the grading overload online discussions create. I’m here to help you spice up your discussions by using free technologies and teaching approaches. Learn about tools you can use to create video chat discussions and how to use your learning management system to disrupt monotony. You’ll also learn how I’ve moved from using discussions as an assessment tool and turned it into a safe place for rich classroom conversation and hybrid participation points.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Develop new engagement strategies for online discussion boards. (2) Identify free technologies to engage students in online discussions. (3) Discuss alternate uses beyond assessment for online discussions.


Track/Theme: Classroom Technologies, Engaging/Motivating Students, Teaching Online



A Proposed Course Redesign to Identify the Relationships Between Place-Based Writing and Student Success

Felicita Arzu Carmichael - Oakland University


This presentation proposes a hybrid first-year writing course that acknowledges the materiality of place-based interaction in online instructional settings and its relationship to student success.


Abstract: The goal of this proposed course redesign is to identify the effects of place-based writing and inclusive practices on student success. The presenter’s hypothesis is that the metacognitive practice of studying place as the course theme will help students become more reflective about the two places (virtual and material) in which they are learning and therefore more successful in navigating the requirements of both formats as they work toward achieving the learning outcomes. The focus on place will also invite students to move toward understanding how their work can challenge the social imbalances of power as they respond to critical issues that emerge in the places they inhabit as they write.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify the theoretical relevance of studying place in first-year writing. (2) Become familiar with a proposed first-year writing course redesign. (3) Draw connections between major writing projects and the theme of “place”.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Course/Curriculum Design, Teaching Online



Using Scenario-Based Learning and Narrative to Create Engaging Instructional Content and Assessment

Christopher Beck - Purdue University


This presentation discusses instructional design strategies and technology for engaging students through animation, narrative, and role-playing. Examples will be shared for a variety of disciplines.


Abstract: Getting students to engage in learning activities is a distinct challenge. Further, research-based frameworks such as self-determination theory suggests that people learn best when they find the content relevant to their personal and professional interests. This session will cover developing instructional content and assessment in a way that enhances student-content interaction and encourages active learning. The topics of this session will include creating animated video content, narrative assessments (e.g., role-playing), and unique instructional activities that promote authentic learning experiences. The session will provide examples of instructional design methods from multiple disciplines as well as students’ feedback for these examples.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Use scenario-based learning to design meaningful instructional content. (2) Evaluate research-based methods that make content more relevant to students, motivating them to actively participate in learning. (3) Incorporate narrative and roleplaying into assessments to make them more relevant.


Track/Theme: Course/Curriculum Design, Innovative Pedagogy, Teaching Online



Not Easy or Comfortable: Teaching Challenging Topics

Erik Benson - Cornerstone University


This session will address effectively teaching challenging (or “controversial”) topics, presenting insights derived from research and teaching the history of the U.S. civil rights movement.


Abstract: Teaching is full of challenges, yet teaching certain controversial topics is uniquely difficult, especially in the present social and political contexts. Too often, instructors find addressing these to be onerous or counterproductive, which can lead to frustration, fatigue, or avoidance. This can shortchange students of both knowledge and valuable preparation to address such issues later in life. This session will explore how to more effectively engage such topics, drawing on insights from preliminary research and personal experience in teaching civil rights in U.S. history courses. In addition to sharing these insights, the aim is to encourage discourse to generate more.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify and explain what topics they find challenging to teach, and why. (2) Identify some basic principles for effectively engaging with such topics. (3) Derive insights on how to proceed as individuals and groups in teaching on such topics.


Track/Theme: Diversity/Inclusion, Engaging/Motivating Students, Learning Communities



Supporting the Anxious Student in the Classroom

Michelle Bigard and Melissa Hutchinson - Central Michigan University


Drawing on the seven universal principles of learning persistence and the understanding of the adolescent brain, faculty will learn ways to support student with anxiety.


Abstract: Drawing on the seven universal principles of learning persistence and the understanding of the adolescent brain, faculty will learn ways to support students with anxiety. The session will explore the ways students present with anxiety in the classroom. Faculty will identify strategies that build on their role as educator to support students. These strategies include strengthening relationships with students, building a foundation of success that normalizes the anxious response, implementing early detection strategies, responding to students’ anxious behaviors, maintaining personal and professional boundaries and knowing campus resources.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Recognize the commonalities in supporting students in learning persistence and mental health-wellbeing. (2) Identify classroom strategies to normalize the anxious response and set a foundation for success. (3) Identify strategies to assist in setting appropriate personal/professional boundaries and seek resources for students and self.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students



Creating Highly Effective Classroom Environments

Molly Brennan - University of Michigan-Flint


Creating and maintaining an effective classroom learning environment is crucial for students to develop critical thinking, oral presentation, and risk taking skills that can be used throughout the students life. This session will discuss how to create highly effective learning environments.


Abstract: Bueller.Bueller.….anyone? Sadly, we've all had classes that remind us all too well of the 1986 John Hughes comedy "Ferris Bueller's Day Off." How do we create not only effective, but fun, dynamic and interactive classrooms? What can we do as educators to compete against smart phones, YouTube, Facebook and the instant gratification that young adults now have access to on an unlimited basis? What will make them WANT to attend your class? And more importantly, how do we create a spark to learn, question, analyze and debate. This session will discuss strategies to create highly effective learning environments that will serve to entice students into actively participating in their own education and quest for knowledge.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Utilize three new strategies to create a highly effective learning environment. (2) Better engage students that have historically not been active within the classroom. (3) Gain a toolkit for creating highly effective classroom environments.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Engaging/Motivating Students, Diversity/Inclusion




Higher Education Success for Students with Learning Disabilities

Shelly Chandler - Beacon College


This presentation will provide participants with specific learning strategies to help meet the learning needs of students with learning disabilities and ADHD in higher education.


Abstract: It is rare for an educator not to be exposed to students with learning disabilities. College professors can take an active role in improving the learning environment for students with learning disabilities by being accessible, providing a positive experience and using practices centered in research. The specific learning principles that can help meet the learning needs of students with learning disabilities in higher education include understanding the difference between declarative, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge and how they impact learning. While keeping the learning principles in mind, some specific learning strategies including the use of authentic assessment are discussed.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand why 3 types of knowledge are required for learning. (2) Formulate concrete improvements when facilitating learning with students with learning disabilities. (3) Use authentic assessment to allow students to demonstrate their learning.


Track/Theme: Academic Success



Addressing Interpersonal Skills and Employability: Authentic Practice and Conversational Learning

Kristen Conte - Baker College


Participants will consider opportunities for bringing authentic practice into the classroom and developing conversational learning exercises to reinforce concepts that stimulate students’ interpersonal skill capacity.


Abstract: Regardless of industry, employers across the nation agree that Gen Z illustrates a significant gap in capacity between hard and soft skills. As greater emphasis is put on helping students to develop these competencies from lower elementary all the way through higher ed, educators are faced with the challenge of bringing innovative ways to draw students away from technology and developing face-to-face communication proficiency. Bringing authentic practice to the classroom is an effective, low-stakes way to bring the “Why” and the “How” to the 5 W’s and an H for interpersonal communication.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand the need for implementing authentic practice into their classrooms. (2) Consider ways to use conversational learning to round out authentic practice experiences. (3) Develop insightful, pragmatic and appropriate low-stakes activities with measurable results.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Innovative Pedagogy, Service/Experiential Learning



Mentorship Across and Between Generations

Kristen Conte - Baker College


A discussion on the necessity of building a network of mentors and the dual importance of serving as mentor.


Abstract: During the session, the idea of collaborate mentoring amongst a peer network will be discussed. Advocacy for building a personal advisory board, recruiting mentors and the dual importance of serving as a mentoring will also be highlighted. At the end of this session, participants will be able to define mentorship, consider the ways mentoring opportunities change over time and

understand the value of long-lasting mentoring relationships.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Define mentorship and the three approaches to mentoring. (2) Consider the ways mentoring opportunities change over time. (3) Understand the value of long-lasting mentoring relationships.


Track/Theme: Learning Communities, Preparing Future Faculty, Service/Experiential Learning



What Is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning? Seven Steps to Engage and Produce It

Milton Cox - Miami University


Participants will discuss seven steps that can help them find and design a teaching and learning project that could become a SoTL presentation and publication.


Abstract: There is a new discipline in higher education that features the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). The presenter of this workshop is an editor-in-chief of a journal that publishes the scholarship of teaching and learning. He will define and discuss the ongoing cycle of scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning. In addition, participants will discuss seven steps that can transform a teaching, learning, or institutional problem or opportunity into SoTL. We will discuss a template that can assist the planning of a SoTL project that could lead to a SoTL publication.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe the ongoing cycle of scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning. (2) Describe seven steps that can help find and design a teaching and learning project that may lead to a SoTL presentation and publication. (3) Describe examples of SoTL projects and presentations.


Track/Theme: Faculty Development, Learning Communities, Preparing Future Faculty




Getting on Page with our Students: Reading Across Disciplines

Stephanie Dean, Laura McLemen, and Suzanne Knight - University of Michigan-Flint


This session will look at reading across disciplines and discuss ways that we, as teachers, can support students to complete required readings for our courses.


Abstract: Our classes often come to a halt when students have not completed required readings before coming to class. Rather than becoming frustrated, we want to examine why this might be happening, and consider ways to support our students’ growth in reading. This session shares data from students across three disciplines regarding challenges to reading, and presents ideas we can use to encourage students to come to class well read and ready to discuss and participate. Participants will take part in a hands-on exercise and leave with ideas to use in a variety of classroom settings.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Recognize reasons that students may not read within their courses. (2) Identify challenges that students encounter when presented with different kinds of texts. (3) Discuss strategies to support students' development of cognitive skills within disciplinary reading.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Engaging/Motivating Students, Preparing Future Faculty



Navigating Challenging Student Interactions in and out of the Classroom

Caitlin Demsky - Oakland University


This session focuses on identifying and responding to student incivility and ways to build a culture of civility in the classroom using evidence-based best practices.


Abstract: Over the last two decades, concerns over student incivility in the classroom have increased. Student incivility negatively impacts instructors and students alike, leading to students’ decreased satisfaction with the instructor and institution, as well as increased disengagement. Instructors may face emotional and physical tolls, including loss of teaching confidence and self-esteem. Strategies for addressing student incivility will be discussed, including private and direct confrontation, syllabi language, and creating a culture of civility in the classroom. Evidence-based recommendations are drawn from the incivility, education, and conflict management literatures. Attendees will engage in think-pair-share and case study discussions in this session.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify the benefits of successfully navigating challenging interactions with students. (2) Lead classroom discussions around building a classroom culture of civility with their students. (3) Engage students in difficult conversations both inside and outside of the classroom. 


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Diversity/Inclusion



Purposive Course Redesign: Promoting Inclusion, Engagement, Mastery, and Persistence

Amy DeSonia - Baker College


This interactive presentation covers identification and application of best practices and strategies in course design/redesign that promote inclusion, engagement, mastery/transfer of learning, and persistence.


Abstract: Poorly designed courses are controllable barriers to retention, persistence, and completion. Poor design inhibits inclusion and engagement and does not promote mastery and transfer of learning. The practice of purposive course redesign creates a more productive learning environment and improves outcomes. It is data-driven, collaborative, and includes: contextualizing the course; addressing limitations and biases that may affect design; establishing learning outcomes; designing learning experiences that promote active engagement with course content and the other students; using assessments that allow students to demonstrate and practically apply what they are learning; and creating feedback loops that allow for adaptation as needed.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify when course redesign is needed. (2) Understand and overcome the limitations and biases of instructors and students that may affect the design;contextualize a course within the curriculum; choose and use an integrated design model to create measurable learning outcomes. (3) Design effective teaching strategies and learning experiences for different modes of delivery, and align assessments with desired outcomes.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Course/Curriculum Design, Engaging/Motivating Students




Using Online Discussion Sequences to Change Student Thinking

Billie Franchini - University at Albany-SUNY


This session will help participants envision and develop strategies for deliberately designing sequences of online discussions that ensure student engagement and change student thinking.


Abstract: Discussions are often essential to student interaction in online courses, so how can we ensure that these discussions work to change student thinking rather than simply reinforcing their novice understandings of our disciplines? If we want students to begin thinking more like disciplinary experts, we need to ensure that the gap between their prior knowledge and disciplinary knowledge is made visible and that they can articulate and track their thinking as it changes. In this highly interactive session, participants will engage in sample course activities to learn how sequenced discussions can be used to change student thinking in visible ways.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe an effective online discussion sequence that ensures student engagement and learning. (2) Begin designing a sequence of discussions for their own online courses. (3) Begin developing strategies for generating reflection in the online setting.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Teaching Online



Using Team Tasks to Teach Writing Skills

Billie Franchini - University at Albany-SUNY


Participants in this session will engage in team-based activities and learn principles and strategies for designing team-based activities to teach writing in their own courses.


Abstract: Team-based tasks can be used to help break down myths about writing and help students adopt practices that look like more like those of “real” writers. These tasks can be used to help students make some essential moves for becoming successful writers, including recognizing effective writing practices and habits, seeing writing as a series of rhetorical and technical decisions, identifying and explaining the differences between different genres of writing, and developing the skills of analyzing and evaluating writing according to focused criteria. Perhaps most importantly, they can help students learn how to work effectively within a community of writers.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Explain how and why team tasks can be used effectively to teach writing skills. (2) Identify and articulate principles that drive design of effective team tasks in writing courses. (3) Envision team tasks that they can use in their own writing-intensive courses.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Learning Communities, Teaching Unplugged



Creating a Culture of Learners

Scott Gaier - Taylor University


Culture can be simply defined as patterns of shared thought and behavior. We will explore how to develop a student culture that promotes academic success.


Abstract: One way to equip students to succeed academically in higher education is to create a culture that promotes learning. Culture is the “accepted patterns of thinking and behaving that tend to become shared among faculty, staff, and students at the institution” (Kuh, Kinzie, Schuh, & Whitt, 2010). Join the presentation as we discuss how to establish a culture that promotes learning. This includes methods for creating culture, potential shared patterns of thought and behavior associated with learning (e.g., attitudes, deep learning strategies), and challenges to culture change. Participants will leave equipped to develop a culture of learners at their institutions.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Learn how to develop culture and strategies for culture change. (2) Learn about attitudes and deep learning strategies to include in creating a culture of learners. (3) Be equipped to develop an academic culture for promoting learning.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Engaging/Motivating Students, Learning Communities



Fostering Student Engagement in Statistics in Real and Virtual Environments.

Leszek Gawarecki, Boyan Dimitrov, Hee Seok Nam, and Gina Rablau - Kettering University


We create a model for engaging students in statistics by empowering them to investigate problems relevant to their interests and actively participate in data collection.


Abstract: Problem-based learning and real-life experience relevant to students’ interests have been identified as factors for enhancing student engagement. The importance of using real data has been emphasized in many areas of education. Data acquisition as part of a student project faces practical problems. It is time consuming, may require access to equipment or raise ethical issues. One approach is to retrieve existing data and case studies. Another is using virtual environments, where students can design and perform experiments on inhabitants. We present our findings and propose practical recommendations for instructors who choose to teach data oriented courses in any discipline.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Design and teach statistics courses with relevant and engaging data or using the virtual “Islands” environment. (2) Guide students in obtaining real data and in designing experiments and collecting data in the “Islands” virtual environment. (3) Collect and analyze data on student engagement and subject mastery.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students



Endorsing Student Success: A Dynamic Model for Peer Review

Stephanie Guedet - Concordia University Wisconsin


This presentation offers a flexible and cross-disciplinary model for authentic peer review that creates vibrant learning communities while building on writers' individual strengths.


Abstract: Often students arrive to our classrooms with a lackluster history of peer review experiences. Because students rarely are provided with explicit instruction in collaborative strategies, their ability to effectively provide constructive feedback to fellow writers is limited, at best. A hybrid form of peer response, Endorsement Groups (EGs) encourages participants to develop agency and authority in their own work as they learn to purposefully contribute to the intellectual growth of their classmates. This presentation outlines the process for establishing groups based on students’ individual writing strengths and training the EGs in discrete sets of criteria.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Recognize the benefits of intentional instruction in peer collaboration. (2) Understand how Endorsement Groups work to engage authentic classroom participation, develop student-centered writing practices, and potentially reduce the amount of time spent providing feedback! (3) Plan strategies to incorporate Endorsement Groups in their classrooms.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Innovative Pedagogy, Learning Communities




Using Virtual Simulation to Improve Critical Thinking and Self-Efficacy

Joanna Hernandez - Oakland University


Virtual simulation is a valuable active learning method which uses technology and a real-world scenario to develop critical thinking skills and self-confidence.


Abstract: Simulation is a tool that is able to replicate a real life scenario that students may face in the real world in a safe environment. Using virtual simulation, students are presented with a scenario via their computer and they must interact and make professional judgements and decisions in a real-life scenario. Applying this technique as a teaching pedogogy has been shown to improve helps critical thinking, knowledge retention, and self-efficacy. Nursing students were exposed to virtual simulation in an undergraduate nursing course. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss student perceptions of their experience and how it relates to other disciplines.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe the role of virtual simulation as a teaching pedagogy. (2) Understand the benefits of using virtual simulation in the classroom across disciplines. (3) Summarize how virtual simulation impacts critical thinking and self-efficacy.


Track/Theme: Classroom Technologies, Innovative Pedagogy, STEM



Cognitive Science for Students: Engaging Classroom Activities to Teach Basic Ideas About Learning

Kyle Heys - Calvin University


Small engaging activities can help students understand how learning works and apply those principles to learn more effectively. Activities will be modeled and discussed.


Abstract: A flood of cognitive science is now available about how we learn that should shape students’ learning practices. Still, it can be hard to find ways to make this cognitive science interesting, concrete, and usable for students. This presentation will model five activities to teach a cognitive principle to students and how they can an use associated learning practices to learn your class content more effectively.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Articulate five key concepts about learning. (2) Identify key student learning practices with each concept. (3) Identify a classroom activity relevant to their discipline and pedagogy that they would like to integrate into an upcoming teaching engagement.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Engaging/Motivating Students



Teaching for Student Success/Retention: Practical Ideas for the Classroom

Kyle Heys - Calvin University


The classroom is key to student success and retention. This session summarizes retention theory and models six easy-to-implement classroom practices to help all students succeed.


Abstract: Classrooms are a central place where students experience an institution. Student perception of their belonging, their efficacy, and the curriculum all shape their persistence toward their goals and retention at an institution. Understanding why students succeed and how your classroom can aid that goal is valuable. This presentation summarizes relevant theories on student success and shares six research-based classroom practices to aid student success and retention. Each strategy will be modeled and discussed


Learning Outcomes: (1) Articulate student perceptions of sense of belonging, self-efficacy, and value of curriculum as important concepts to student success. (2) Identify practical classroom practices to address these areas. (3) Apply a classroom practice that best fits with their discipline and pedagogy to an upcoming teaching engagement.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Engaging/Motivating Students



Enriching Student Engagement with Visual and Arts-Based Strategies

Cheryl Hoy and Jessica Zinz-Cheresnick - Bowling Green State University


This session examines the integration of visual and arts-based assignments into our courses and the subsequent effects of this approach on student engagement and learning.


Abstract: In this session, we will discuss our journey into a visual and arts-based approach for teaching and learning in our courses. We will examine the challenges and successes of draw-and-write techniques, sketchnoting, collages, and other visual and arts-based strategies and assignments, and we will note the effects on student critical thinking, engagement, and disciplinary content retention. We will guide attendees through some individual and group activities similar to the ones we used with our students, seek feedback about their experiences, and discuss application to other disciplines. As a take-away, we will provide a packet of resources based on these activities.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Discuss the expectations and challenges of transitioning between verbal and visual learning in the classroom. (2) Analyze the strengths and limitations of draw-and-write and collage assignments on student success in courses across disciplines. (3) Share experiences from participating in several hands-on draw-and-write activities and reflective visual strategies that support meaningful student engagement.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Innovative Pedagogy





STEM Service Learning Projects: Steps, Benefits and Challenges

Lina Jawad - University of Michigan-Dearborn


This session describes the implementation of a STEM service learning project in one teacher preparation program. Project steps, benefits, challenges and student reflections are discussed.


Abstract: This session highlights the significance of incorporating STEM service learning projects within the curriculum of teacher preparation programs. Future science educators collaborate with middle school students to design and implement a STEM project. Steps for a successful project implementation and challenges along the process are discussed. In addition, observations of student work as well as reflections from student experiences are shared. Participants in this session leave with an understanding of the benefits of implementing similar projects and the skills needed to design their own service learning experience.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Explain the benefits of service learning programs in STEM education. (2) Identify steps needed to ensure successful implementation of service learning projects and recognize their challenges. (3) Design their own service learning project for STEM classrooms.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Service/Experiential Learning, STEM



Evaluating Students’ Experiences in Traditional and Economy Active Learning Classrooms

Matt Johnson - Central Michigan University


This session reports on a three-year, NSF-funded study of students’ experiences learning coding in traditional active learning versus economy-based active learning classrooms.


Abstract: Traditional active learning classrooms can support student collaboration and increase active learning, but remain costly (Park & Choi, 2014). This study examined students’ experiences (both perceptions and performance) in a traditional active learning classroom ($250,000 approximate cost) and an economy-based active learning classroom ($10,000 approximate cost) in undergraduate computer science courses over the course of three years. Results suggest that students’ perceptions of collaboration and support of learning are similar, and in some cases stronger, in the economy-based active learning classroom compared the traditional active learning classroom; however, performance measures (i.e., grades, test scores) showed no differences.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Establish economy-based active learning pedagogy and structures in their courses. (2) Evaluate the effectiveness of traditional active learning classrooms compared to economy-based active learning classrooms. (3) Apply lessons from our three-year study to their own classrooms.


Track/Theme: Assessment, Innovative Pedagogy, STEM





A Hybrid Course Design Process Tailored to Faculty Learning Communities

Cub Kahn - Oregon State University


This session will showcase a process used to design hybrid courses through faculty learning communities. Participants will get hands-on practice with hybrid design planning forms and techniques.


Abstract: A campus hybrid initiative has used 15 interdisciplinary hybrid faculty learning communities to support redesign of existing courses to a hybrid (blended) format while developing faculty capacity to develop and teach hybrid courses. This session will detail the course redesign steps used in these learning communities. Participants will be introduced to hybrid planning forms and templates, and will take part in activities to begin designing or refining a hybrid course of their own.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Use hybrid planning forms and templates for effective hybrid course design. (2) Design hybrid course elements embodying recognized best practices in blended teaching and learning. (3) Describe how hybrid course design could be successfully facilitated through a learning community in a hybrid format.


Track/Theme: Course/Curriculum Design, Innovative Pedagogy, Teaching Online




Selfies and Academia?! Intended and Unintended Outcomes

Lisa Lapeyrouse - University of Michigan Flint


Creative assignments utilizing selfies as well as ethical guidelines for taking selfies will be shared. In addition, practical uses for selfie data will be discussed.


Abstract: I use to take students at their word, devoid of evidence. Now, I require my students to take selfies as evidence of the work they have completed. In assigning students to take selfies, I unexpectedly generated program data in which my department has found multiple uses for. In this presentation, examples are given for creative assignments utilizing selfies as well as ethical guidelines for taking selfies in community spaces and with vulnerable populations. Practical uses of selfie data will be discussed such as using selfies for program recruitment and accreditation purposes.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Create assignments utilizing student selfies to promote deep-learning;. (2) Utilize student selfies for academic program recruitment and accreditation. (3) Identify and discuss ethical issues related to student selfies in community spaces and with vulnerable populations.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Innovative Pedagogy



Vocal and Physical Presence for the Professor

Lynnae Lehfeldt - Oakland University


Professional actress and vocal coach, Lynnae Lehfeldt, will share vocal and physical exercises that will strengthen your voice and physical presence in the classroom.


Abstract: I am a working actress, professor of Theatre, and vocal coach. I developed this workshop in 2016 and have presented it as an English Language Specialist for the US State Department at Moscow State Linguistic University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, and the American Center Moscow. I regularly teach Physical and Vocal Presence for the William Beaumont School of Medicine, the Silver School of Social Welfare at New York University, and Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan. Participants will experience a deeper connection to their bodies and voices, a deeper connection to others, and a deeper connection to their personal power. Vocal and physical presence increase the instructor’s warmth, confidence, comfort level and this, in turn, allows them to connect passionately with their teaching and students.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Learn techniques for healthy vocal use. (2) Learn techniques that will make their voices more resonate. (3) Learn physically exercises that will allow them to be more present in the classroom.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Preparing Future Faculty



Setting up the Seminar: Learners Leading Learners

Jessica Luckhardt - Concordia University-Ann Arbor


Best practices adapted into a template for seminar-style classroom discussions. Research-based student preparation guides and prompt rubric feedback establish expectations and structure for productive sessions.


Abstract: The student-led discussion format fosters ownership of one’s learning through purposeful interaction with the content. Leaning on the Socratic seminar format, students prepare specific responses and open-ended questions that encourage curiosity and engagement with the assigned text. Adapting the format, students then move through three phases of conversation, structuring the progression of their ideas and allowing for the instructor to guide and supplement where needed. Finally, prompt feedback on their contributions to discussion is essential, made manageable through a moldable discussion rubric. This stimulates further student investment in the process and adds to the class culture of value and respect.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Recognize developmental levels for moving classroom conversations forward. (2) Help students identify and use language to stimulate their own learning and meaningfully engage with classmates. (3) Adapt learning materials for their own class discussions.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Learning Communities




Creative Thinking in Curriculum (Re)Design

Maria Macik - Texas A&M University


Barriers exist that discourage faculty from taking teaching risks and embracing curricular change. This qualitative study used case study methodology. Through interviews, the researcher identified factors that enhanced and hindered faculty creativity during a curriculum redesign process.


Abstract: Barriers in higher education discourage faculty from taking teaching risks and embracing curricular change. Some barriers include the prioritization of research over teaching at research institutions, the tenure and promotion process, the tendency to view teaching as a private activity, disciplinary expertise, and siloed departments. The researcher conducted a qualitative case study to identify factors that enhance and hinder faculty creativity during a curriculum redesign initiative. Interview data was analyzed using thematic analysis, and curricular documents were analyzed using document analysis. The researcher adapted an existing model for organizational creativity (1988) to create a model for supporting faculty creativity throughout a curricular redesign initiative. Implications for faculty development and higher education leadership are discussed.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe factors that hinder and encourage faculty creativity during a curriculum redesign initiative. (2) Identify elements of a curriculum redesign model. (3) Discuss challenges faced at their own institution and possible solutions to those challenges.


Track/Theme: Course/Curriculum Design



Developing OERs: Lessons Learned

Martha Madigan and Tammy Root - Lansing Community College


When LCC offered stipends to faculty for developing OER texts, many jumped at the chance, but most had no idea what we were in for.


Abstract: Three years ago when Lansing Community College offered stipends to faculty for developing Open Educational Resources (OERs), many jumped at the chance, but most had no idea what we were in for. The presenters of this workshop were among those faculty who received stipends to create OER materials for our classes. It was our introduction to OER. One is also a Faculty Fellow in our Center for Teaching Excellence. As such, she is involved with supporting and developing faculty with a variety of issues related to creating, adopting, and adapting OER materials. In this workshop we will share what we’ve learned through this process and, hopefully save you some of the time and resources we spent during our learning process.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand the importance of ancillary materials, workbooks, and supporting materials; how you can create your own or connect with networks of faculty for sharing resources. (2) Understand the importance of thinking about how to publish your work BEFORE you start creating it. (3) Discuss the challenges in finding, remixing and revising (and possible work-arounds).


Track/Theme: Course/Curriculum Design



Faculty Self-Care as Pedagogy: Promoting Healthy Learning and Lifestyle Rhythms

Nicole McDonald - Cornerstone University


This interactive session explores inherent connections between intentional faculty self-care practices, effective modelling and teaching, and holistically healthy student engagement, learning and lifestyle practices.


Abstract: In an educational climate that is increasingly stressful, critical and thankless, intentional faculty self-care practices have become essential to maintaining healthy, balanced teaching and learning practices. Yet, an often overlooked aspect of faculty self-care is the power of modelling-centered pedagogy for our students who themselves are stressed and over-stretched. In the midst of busy schedules and lengthy to-do lists, students often find themselves numbly completing learning tasks without engaging in deeper transformational learning. Session participants will explore self-care practices, focusing on how faculty self-care can become a powerful pedagogical tool for modelling healthy learning and lifestyle practices for our students.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Summarize empirical literature substantiating the importance of faculty self-care and student self-care practices. (2) Discuss a specific model for an intentional self-care plan, applicable to both faculty and students, along with examples of self-care plans. (3) Explore the idea of self-care as a modelling-based pedagogy for use with students and identify one specific action step for employing self-care as pedagogy with one’s students.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Preparing Future Faculty



Visual Organization Strategies that Deepen Student Learning

Nicole McDonald, Shannon Pothoven, and Laura Walton - Cornerstone University


Making and practicing connections are critical for student learning. Let’s discuss different visual-based learning strategies that can help facilitate the process of connection-making for students.


Abstract: Based on the work of James Lang and James Zull, this presentation will share how the brain physically changes when learning occurs and offer some best practice teaching strategies to enhance this important theory. Although instructors cannot physically change students’ brains, they can facilitate these changes through intentional practices in the classroom. This session will focus on three research-validated visual strategies: matrices, concept maps, and sketchnoting. These tools can help students create their own connections between concepts and ideas in order to promote deep learning and retention of key information.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand how the brain works when learning occurs. (2) Recognize the importance of providing visual organizational frameworks in the classroom. (3) Be able to implement three visual-based strategies--matrices, concept maps, and sketchnoting--that foster connection-making in the classroom.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Innovative Pedagogy, Teaching Unplugged



Establishing Student-Friendly Intuitions for Mathematically-Intensive STEM Classes

Hua Ming - Oakland University


To present a practical (classroom-tested) strategy, with concrete learning scenarios (also classroom-tested), to help facilitate the success of students taking mathematically intensive classes.


Abstract: This proposal aims to present an effective strategy to help successfully land “abstract” mathematical concepts (including the rigorous proving of theorems) to students’ hands that they can use to further develop their essential problem solving skills when taking STEM classes. This proposal provides a concrete learning scenario, i.e., the Pumping Lemma taken from Theory of Computation, to elaborate the process of establishing student-friendly intuitions as a means to effectively attack challenging mathematical abstractions. The central example included is classroom tested from the presenter’s successful real-world teaching experience.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify a practical strategy to help students generate valuable intuition to effectively understand abstract mathematical concepts. (2) Identify a strategy that can be easily extensible to a wide range of STEM classes. (3) Apply an example that is classroom-tested from real-world teaching experience.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Innovative Pedagogy, STEM



Digital Organization: Free Google Tools to Tame Teaching and Research

Shaun Moore - Oakland University


Are you digitally disorganized? Learn how to use free Google suite tools to tame your inbox, track your tasks, and organize your teaching and research.


Abstract: Teachers can get bogged down with technology, lost in a flood of emails, unable to find files or prioritize projects. Using just a few organizational techniques, this session can help you become the digital master of your domain. Get your digital life under control with tips and tricks on using the Google Suite (email, calendar) to organize your email and calendar appointments. Discover free tools to help keep track of your projects. Organize your research and keep it safe with good backup strategies. It’s easier than you think!


Learning Outcomes: (1) Discover ways to organize their email and get to a 0 unread inbox. (2) Prioritize their projects with task tracking tools. (3) Organize their research and ensure nothing is ever lost.


Track/Theme: Digital Organization, Research, Teaching Practices



Start Making Digitally Accessible Course Documents and Presentations Today

Christina Moore, Daniel Arnold, and Nicholas Bongers - Oakland University


Plan simple first steps for creating accessible online content. We will discuss six accessibility basics related to documents and presentations, then demonstrate often-overlooked accessibility tools.


Abstract: This interactive session will provide easy first steps for faculty who are interested in creating digitally accessible content. Learn what you can do now to make content accessible for students with impairments, and how these simple changes to the way you create content benefit all students and you. Some high-impact changes are simply a matter of changing habits, such as using heading styles in documents and slide designs. We will demonstrate overlooked accessibility tools in Microsoft Office and explain accessibility standards related to PDFs, videos, and other web media.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Define the web and digital accessibility standards. (2) Evaluate digital course contents for accessibility. (3) Plan process for creating accessible materials and updating existing materials.


Track/Theme: Classroom Technologies, Course/Curriculum Design, Diversity/Inclusion




For Graduate Students By Graduate Students: The Leadership Development Program as a Graduate Student-Led Community of Practice

Makena Neal and Madeline Shellgren - Michigan State University


This session focuses on a graduate student-led, leadership-based community of practice- what worked/didn’t and how CoPs like this could function within institutions.


Abstract: Too often graduate students are an under-visibilized population in higher education, bridging both student and professional worlds. This session will utilize a case of a leadership community of practice that was designed and facilitated for graduate students, by graduate students in an effort to create a structured, collaborative space to grow in and engage with action, change-oriented leadership at our institution. Our case will be utilized to discuss the strengths and opportunities of this model, and participants will have the opportunity to engage in facilitated activities that aim to help them think critically about graduate student development at their institutions.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify intended audiences of professional development programs and the existing community of practice/learning community initiatives. (2) Critique top-down Community of Practice facilitation models, especially when the intended audience is (or includes) historically marginalized populations in the institutions’ context. (3) Plan how a for/by Community of Practice model could be implemented in their own institutional contexts.


Track/Theme: Learning Communities




Engaging Students with Research Through a Design Mindset Approach

Toko Oshio and Jeff Kupperman - University of Michigan-Flint


Explore how a human-centered design mindset approach can help students engage with key issues and research literature in a field of study.


Abstract: This presentation explores how a human-centered design mindset approach can help students engage with issues and trends in a field of study, while providing context and relevance to their explorations of research literature in the field. The presentation uses a master’s level Early Childhood Education course as an example of how a course can be revised to incorporate a design mindset approach, replacing a traditional research literature review assignment with an extended design task. An interactive activity will demonstrate two key aspects of this approach.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify key elements of a design mindset approach. (2) Define a human-centered design problem using a Point Of View statement. (3) Connect how design strategies can be used to help engage students with research literature.


Track/Theme: Innovative Pedagogy




Re-Envisioning the Classroom Through Community-Driven Learning

Michael Pasquale and Brian Pickerd - Cornerstone University


Increase overall learning, build intentional connection, and promote student well-being while joining us in exploring how to create a Community-Driven Classroom.


Abstract: Despite contemporary promises of digital connectivity and community, students show alarming levels of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. The resulting problems emerge in students’ academic, social, and emotional well-being. By drawing on our understanding of adolescent development and employing a community-driven posture in our learning and teaching, we can support and encourage our students toward success in their personal, social, and academic lives. We believe that re-envisioning the classroom from a teacher-centered space to a place postured on Community-Driven Learning (CDL) will establish mutual trust, encourage risk-taking, instill conflict resolution, and grow students academically, socially, and emotionally through deeper community connection.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Articulate the importance of teaching and learning through a Community-Driven lens. (2) Identify Community-Driven learning potential in their own contexts. (3) Employ Community-Driven teaching in their own instruction.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Learning Communities



Digital Gero-Badges: An Alternative in Teaching Diversity and Social Justice

Sally Pelon, Melissa Villarreal, and Scott Berlin - Grand Valley State University


This interactive workshop aims to teach participants how to build and execute a comprehensive and coherent curriculum offering of aging content through a Gero-Digital Badge program.


Abstract: This interactive workshop aims to teach participants how to design and execute a comprehensive and coherent curriculum offering of aging content through a Gero-Digital Badge program. The workshop includes discussion and examples of course materials along with demonstration and samples of the final electronic portfolio assignment. While this presentation is considered from the field of social work, the focus on gerontology and the use of digital badges as a pedagogical technique are applicable across a variety disciplines.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand the curriculum map for a Gero-Digital Badge program that includes four related courses. (2) Identify the use of digital badges as a means to highlight and designate the knowledge, values, and skills necessary to work effectively with older adult populations. (3) Recognize the importance of electronic portfolios to demonstrate learning and proficiency in understanding, engaging, and intervening with and on behalf of older adults.


Track/Theme: Classroom Technologies, Course/Curriculum Design



Creative Emergence

Don Perini - Cornerstone University


One of the best ways to develop your teaching talent is to combine them with creative habits, which results in a phenomenon called creative emergence. This session is for anyone seeking to discover their own creativity and how it emerges via creative habits.


Abstract: A creative person is well-trained. I'll say it again: A creative person is well-trained. Creativity is not done on the fly--it takes discipline and hard work. If you are willing to change your lifestyle, work hard at developing creative habits, and delve deeply into the darkest part of your soul, then this session is for you. This session is a guide, not a formula, to help you with your quest to become an amazing creative and innovative teacher.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Articulate six creative habits. (2) Name their type of resistance (fear, perfectionism, etc.) that is keeping them from doing their work. (3) Practice creative emergence by combining their teaching talents with creative habits.


Track/Theme: Preparing Future Faculty, Professional Development



Reinvent the Textbook: a New OER Approach to Teaching

Caterina Pieri - Oakland University


Discover the process of selection, adaptation, and class implementation of Open Educational Resources (OER) based on the experience of the Italian program at Oakland University.


Abstract: The cost of traditional publishers textbooks has reached unreasonable levels, often forcing students not to purchase required materials, and consequently interfering with student success.

This presentation will demonstrate how free materials can be used in any discipline, starting from the experience of the Italian program at OU, and providing examples from numerous other Departments. The focus will be on the process of selection, adaptation, and class implementation of OER materials. We will discuss the financial and pedagogical benefits for the students, and how instructors can renew their passion and creativity by setting themselves free from traditional textbooks.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Recognize the importance of textbook affordability. (2) Identify tools for OER implementation in their disciplines. (3) Find creative solutions to avoid the use of expensive materials.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Classroom Technologies, Preparing Future Faculty





Assessing Students’ Critical Thinking about Digital Information via Statistical Analysis

Kim Ranger - Grand Valley State University


Teach students to fact check: verify digital information by searching, skimming, and double-checking. Use statistical analysis to assess critical thinking and improve learning activities.


Abstract: Think of statistical analysis as a way to advance student learning and improve teaching activities. This may be done with a single course if the analysis is conducted over multiple sections and/or semesters, and is also achievable by librarians teaching single sessions. We will delve into informed learning design to achieve critical thinking, digital literacy, and information literacy through the process of fact checking a website by searching (lateral reading), skimming (click restraint), and double-checking (verification). Do scaffolded activities really build on each other, i.e., are they statistically dependent or independent? Consult statisticians or statistics students to find out.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Modify the activity for various types of resource evaluation across disciplines. (2) Identify behaviors that constitute fact checking. (3) Discuss merits of analyzing learning activities statistically.


Track/Theme: Assessment, Innovative Pedagogy



Inclusive Teaching Strategies for Writing-Intensive Courses

Lauren Rinke - Oakland University


This presentation will explore modes of integration for increasing both cultural and learning diversity in the classroom. Participants will engage in reflective thinking (inclusive practices inventory), activity brainstorm, and discussion with colleagues.


Abstract: Because writing-intensive courses are inherent to student success, educators have a responsibility to revamp the traditional approach to classroom processes in order to in allow all students to thrive and transfer skills, utilizing their unique cultural backgrounds, literacy experiences, as well as their preferred learning styles and interests. This presentation will address how differentiated learning teaching strategies (and UDL), when complemented with multicultural initiatives, work well with the writing workshop model used in writing-intensive courses. Implementing differentiated instruction (DI) practices into the classroom--combined with additional personal and metacognitive reflection and course resources from a more diverse group of writers, speakers, etc.-- will allow students to harness their passion for writing and hopefully sustain them to learn the skills necessary for academic and professional writing and communication.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Reflect on inclusive teaching practices. (2) Integrate inclusive strategies into the classroom. (3) Brainstorm ideas to implement in their discipline.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Engaging/Motivating Students, Diversity/Inclusion



Peer-Observation as Conversational Learning

Michael Ristich, Arthur Ward, and Benjamin Oberdick - Michigan State University


Drawing on experiential learning theory, this presentation forwards a model of educator development that reimagines peer-observation of teaching as "conversational learning."


Abstract: For many, teacher observation often means high-stakes evaluation done without much forethought or planning. Indeed, as the research suggests, if done poorly, teacher observation can actually harm teacher effectiveness. Drawing on experiential learning theory, this presentation forwards a model of educator development that reimagines peer-observation of teaching as "conversational learning." We suggest that our four-part model avoids the pitfalls commonly associated with teacher observation and emphasizes peer-observation as a collaborative and reflective experience oriented towards learning and improving teacher practice. This interactive presentation will ask participants to offer feedback on the usefulness and benefits of our peer-observation of teaching protocol.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand the pitfalls commonly associated with teacher observation. (2) Explain how experiential learning theory provides an effective model of peer-observation of teaching. (3) Evaluate the usefulness and benefits of our peer-observation of teaching protocol.


Track/Theme: Innovative Pedagogy, Preparing Future Faculty, Service/Experiential Learning



Points are Pointless: The Search for Grading Nirvana

Matthew Roberts - Grand Valley State University


An introduction to and discussion of specifications grading, an approach designed to forge a stronger and more meaningful connection between student grades and actual learning.


Abstract: In this session I explain Linda Nilson’s concept of specifications grading, an approach designed to address the flaws inherent in traditional grading—in particular, the fact that a pile of points, scraped together from partial credit on multiple assessments, reveals nothing about where learners stand in terms of the objectives or outcomes for a course. I describe how I’ve implemented specifications grading in my Political Science courses. Finally, I’ll describe the challenges I’ve encountered, the changes I’ve made over time, and the bigger issues raised by moving towards learning-centered grading.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Articulate the problems with traditional grading systems. (2) Describe the basic features of specifications grading. (3) Formulate how to apply specifications grading principles to their own courses.


Track/Theme: Assessment, Course/Curriculum Design, Engaging/Motivating Students



The Coach in the Corner: Re-Envisioning the Instructor/Learner Relationship

Matthew Roberts and Erik Benson - Grand Valley State University and Cornerstone University


Learner-centered versus instructor-centered? We suggest that there is a need to re-think the relationship between learners and instructors, and how teaching fits with this.


Abstract: Learner-centered versus instructor-centered. This concept has long dominated pedagogical discourse, but there is a better way to conceptualize the relationship between instructor and learner. We discard the binary either/or choice and instead posit that the relationship should be a highly collaborative one in which instructors take on the role of “guides” to their learner “heroes.” As guides, instructors are experts whose teaching helps novice heroes realize their potential to become experts themselves. This requires a model of teaching that appreciates expertise, but also its effective use in a highly collaborative, relational context with learners built on well-considered activities and behaviors.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Explain the concept of the “guide/hero” relationship. (2) Explain specifically how the concept of the “guide/hero” relationship can be applied in effective teaching. (3) Identify potential applications in their own teaching.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Engaging/Motivating Students, Learning Communities



Using Technology Shortcuts for an ADA-Compliant Course Design

Amy Rutledge and Laura Dinsmoor - Oakland University


This session will address some simple ways using technology to modify your course to quickly put you on the path to ADA compliance.


Abstract: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that individuals with disabilities have equal access to services funded by federal funds. This includes instructional offerings. Course materials, videos, sites, etc. should adhere to basic standards of compliance. For most, the thought of redesigning a course seems overwhelming and daunting. In this session, we will provide a basic framework for compliance as well as some quick and easy steps for getting your course on the path to compliance.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand the basics of ADA-Compliant Course Design Standards. (2) Learn what technologies exist to create content that is ADA compliant. (3) Learn how to easily modify existing course content to make it ADA compliant.


Track/Theme: Course/Curriculum Design, Diversity/Inclusion, Engaging/Motivating Students





Guiding Sustainable Learning with Sustainable Teaching Results

Julie Saam and Marcia Dixson - Indiana University Kokomo and Purdue University, Fort Wayne


This session will align sustainable teaching results with results in sustainable learning. Participants will discuss how to use these results to inform sustainable practices.


Abstract: Today we expect everything to occur at the pace of the Internet – instantaneously. But, we cannot actually think, be creative, or learn that way. In fact, to sustain effective teaching and learning, we need time, community and motivation. Results from last year’s Lilly conference presentations gave us information about parameters for that sustainability. We will share our results on creating the conditions students need to experience sustained learning and, simultaneously, creating an environment to sustain our own teaching excellence. Then, we will brainstorm ways to utilize these findings to maximize our ability to sustain teaching excellence and effective student learning.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify factors to sustain excellence in teaching and effective student learning. (2) Categorize conditions of sustainable learning and teaching to compare as a group. (3) Brainstorm ways to utilize these factors to maintain excellence in teaching and effective student learning.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Innovative Pedagogy, Learning Communities



Flipped Learning Instruction: Students with Learning Disabilities in Mathematics Courses

Amy Schelling and Robert Talbert - Grand Valley State University


A large body of research has developed around the effectiveness of flipped learning, however little is known about its effects on students with learning disabilities.


Abstract: Flipped learning is an instructional method in which students encounter new concepts initially through activities prior to class, rather than in-class lecture; class time is focused on applications of the new material through active learning. Flipped learning has enjoyed a rapid growth among higher educators in recent years, and there is mounting research evidence of its effectiveness. However, little has been reported on the effectiveness of flipped learning for students with learning disabilities. It is unclear whether flipped learning is an appropriate instructional method for those students. This session presents the findings of a study conducted in foundational mathematics courses.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Define the flipped learning instructional method and list characteristics of students with learning disabilities that may impact learning. (2) Articulate the results of the study and have knowledge of how to replicate the study. (3) Apply the results of the study to their own current or future flipped learning classes.


Track/Theme: Classroom Technologies, Course/Curriculum Design, Diversity/Inclusion



Bringing Trauma-Informed Insight and Practices into Higher Education Instruction

Judy Schulze and Michelle Reiter-Miller - Baker College


Scientific evidence of trauma-related brain adaptations is presented along with instructional techniques addressing trauma-influenced student behaviors, such as low motivation, decreased participation, and social challenges.


Abstract: This session focuses on the effects of trauma on the academic behavior of higher education students. The presentation will begin with a brief overview of how physiological changes in brain structure influence academic behaviors. The main portion of the session will highlight the responsibility of higher education professionals to provide an all-inclusive learning environment that inherently addresses the needs of students who may have trauma-related learning behaviors, including reduced academic motivation, atypical responses to feedback, social difficulties during group activities, and atypical emotional responses. Participants will learn how to use adaptations of evidence-based pedagogy to support resiliency building in students.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand what causes individuals exposed to trauma to react/behave differently. (2) Identify possible trauma-related behaviors visible in higher education students. (3) Create a more inclusive environment through the use of evidence-based pedagogical techniques.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Innovative Pedagogy



Higher Order Thinking Sheets: An Evolving Learning Method

Aricka Schweitzer - Saginaw Valley State University


Higher order thinking allows learners to evaluate and synthesize a process and product, HOTS sheets are one way to apply the method.


Abstract: Higher order thinking (HOT) allows learning to occur at a more complex level that involves higher cognitive load. In order to apply higher learning skills, the educator needs to inform the learner of how the process can occur through understanding, remembering, application, analysis, evaluation, creating, and synthesizing. One method is using a HOT sheet to succinctly provide all information about the product or process and students are required to replicate and use all of the HOT strategies. This session will focus on instruction and creation of HOT sheets and participants will leave with ideas for application.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand approaches for HOT teaching and learning. (2) Recognize HOT lessons learned and how to integrate and convert into their own. (3) Create and apply the HOT sheet strategy and integrate a plan for their own practice.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Engaging/Motivating Students, Innovative Pedagogy



Creating 'Safe' Classroom Environments for Diverse Students

Carmen Stokes - University of Michigan-Flint Campus


This presentation will discuss ways faculty can create a safe and inclusive classroom for a diverse student body.


Abstract: Cultural diversity and inclusion are important aspects of higher learning. In fact, in the most recent years many universities have demonstrated a commitment to creating campuses that are more representative of the demographics of society at large. One way diversity and inclusion initiatives are being achieved is through the creation of Offices of Diversity and Inclusion, as well strategic plans that support these programs on campus. While many faculty members recognize the impact inclusive environments have on student success (for example, creativity and innovativeness); very few feel fully equipped to address issues in the classroom. Today's sociopolitical environment seems to be increasing those stressors. This presentation will discuss the author's qualitative research findings with African American students who attended PWI's, and share strategies faculty can use to create safe environments for students from diverse backgrounds.


Learning Outcomes: (1) List three negative effects of unsafe classroom experiences. (2) Collaborate with colleagues and create 2 strategies they can use immediately to institute a safe/ inclusive classroom experience. (3) List three ways diversity improves higher education in general, and student outcomes in your discipline specifically.


Track/Theme: Diversity/Inclusion, Preparing Future Faculty, Teaching Online



Using a Faculty Learning Community for Course Revision: Lesson Learned

Mischelle Stone, Rhonda Bishop, and Victor Piercey - Ferris State University


This session will focus on learning how a faculty learning community can be used to facilitate course revisions involving interdisciplinary partners.


Abstract: As part of an 11 institution National Science Foundation (NSF) grant-funded project, Ferris State University (FSU) joins a national effort to reform math curricula. Faculty from FSU developed and facilitated a 10-month faculty learning community (FLC) to redesign the traditional approach to quantitative reasoning skill development of students in the departments of mathematics, nursing, social work, and the College of Business. The FLC provided interdisciplinary faculty an opportunity to develop pedagogical approaches that integrated cross-curricular concepts from each discipline. Participation resulted in the development of uniquely designed learning-centered approaches to teaching and promoted a community of scholarship among intedisciplinary faculty.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Discuss the necessary qualities for building community in an FLC. (2) Identify one or more courses (or outcomes) in their curriculum that could benefit from revision through an interdisciplinary FLC. (3) Identify at least two obstacles to using an FLC for course (or outcome) revision.


Track/Theme: Course/Curriculum Design



Online Faculty and Staff: Effective Provision and Implementation of Feedback

Errol Sull and Kathleen Embry - American InterContinental University


For online student and faculty success, a crucial partnership must exist: impactful feedback to faculty from supervisor, and faculty implementation of feedback in the classroom.


Abstract: An often-overlooked partnership that is crucial to online faculty and student classroom success is the feedback received from supervisors on the faculty members’ instructional methods and how faculty can best implement this feedback. As feedback provided to online instructors trickles down to the classroom, the impact on student experience is the outcome of the overall efforts of the faculty member to engage and guide students. Presented jointly by a supervisor and faculty member, complete with opportunities for engagement, suggestions and scenarios will be offered that have been proven to bring about solid performance by faculty and improve student learning.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Enhance their understanding that communication and feedback between supervisor and faculty is a reciprocal relationship that is ongoing and growing. (2) Understand how student success can be impacted as a result of the supervisor feedback and faculty use of this feedback. (3) Take away unique ideas to improve the feedback supervisors impart to faculty and how faculty can best use that feedback to enhance classroom teaching.


Track/Theme: Teaching Online




The Impact of Transformational-Instructor Leadership on Student Outcomes

April VanPutten - Cornerstone University


In this session, attendees will learn how transformational-instructor leadership can positively impact student outcomes by adapting current pedagogy and course activities to motivate student learning.


Abstract: Student engagement and motivation is a concern for faculty members across all disciplines. This session will inform professors about the practice of transformational-instructor leadership in a higher education classroom. Attention will be given to the four components of transformational leadership, idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration, and how these components can be implemented in a course to empower students to engage in the learning process and be motivated to succeed. Ideas for modifying existing courses will be shared along with best practices in transformational-instructor leadership behavior. There will also be a time of collaboration between attendees.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand how the four components of transformational leadership integrate with classroom instruction for higher education. (2) Modify existing course assessment activities to incorporate transformational leadership components. (3) Implement best practices of transformational-instructor leadership to enhance student outcomes.


Track/Theme: Active Learning Strategies, Engaging/Motivating Students




Development of an Online Peer Observation Training Course

Tracy Wacker and Jeffrey Drake - University of Michigan-Flint


We developed an online peer observation training course and certification program at University of Michigan-Flint. We will share our development process and progress to date.


Abstract: We have been promoting a systemic peer observation procedure on our campus since 2015, but attendance at the two-day workshop had tapered off. We developed an online training course for peer observation in both face-to-face and online courses that would be self-guided and launched it in March 2018. The conversion from a face-to-face workshop to an online session, including course design considerations, will be the focus of this session. We will share our collaborative process, design optimization for training in the three-phase model of peer observation, nuts and bolts of our certification program and the feedback from participants.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Advocate for Peer Observation Program at their institution. (2) Design an online training session for peer observation. (3) Train faculty in the process of formative peer observation.


Track/Theme: Faculty Development, Teaching Online



Exploring Students’ Perceptions of Learning Partnerships within a Diversity Course

Natasha Watkins - Purdue University


Presenters share conclusions drawn from their exploratory research investigating how to create learning partnerships among students within a diversity class, exploring controversial topics.


Abstract: The learning partnerships model (LPM) is a pedagogical framework designed to promote students’ development from authority-dependent to interdependent, co-constructors of knowledge who situate learning within their experiences. Diversity courses focused on controversial issues may provide students with particularly powerful opportunities to evolve their internal belief system and hone their voice (referred to as self-authorship). We share results from a qualitative study exploring how students with multiple, marginalized identities perceive a diversity course grounded in the LPM. Strategies are offered for how instructors can enhance learning partnerships with students, particularly in courses with controversial content.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Explain the role of the learning partnerships model in advancing students’ development of self-authorship. (2) Evaluate potential reasons students respond negatively to instructors’ learning partnership strategies. (3) Identify at least three strategies for enhancing learning partnerships with students in their classrooms.


Track/Theme: Diversity/Inclusion, Engaging/Motivating Students, Learning Communities



Integrating Meditation into Pedagogical Praxis

Kristi Wilson and Avianna Castro - University of Michigan-Flint and Avi Om Studio


This presentation will focus on integrating meditation into the classroom. Participants will understand key concepts of meditation and experience a guided meditation.


Abstract: Have you noticed the large number of distracted students in your classroom? It could be in the form of anxiety, frustration, tension, or a sense of overwhelming angst. One way to create a peaceful learning environment is through meditation. The presenters will review the literature and first hand effects of meditation as integrated into the classroom. A certified meditation teacher will also take educators through a guided mediation.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe the health benefits of meditation. (2) Describe the educational benefits of meditation. (3) Apply meditation principles to personal and classroom practice.


Track/Theme: Engaging/Motivating Students, Engaging/Motivating Faculty, Innovative Pedagogy


Round Tables (alphabetical by the lead presenter's last names)


Hybrid Teaching and Learning

Gregory Allar and Christina Moore - Oakland University


Roundtable discussion of current practices used in the hybrid teaching and learning environment i.e., best strategies for making face-to-face and online work best together, and how best to build off of one another.


Abstract: Student-centered learning along with the shift to individualized learning plans is changing the way educators are designing their courses. Creating the appropriate medium to enhance student learning consists of several key elements including constructive alignment of intended learning outcomes, teacher presence and the appropriate use of software technology. The hybrid teaching and learning environment is one that enables instructors to blend online activities, which provoke student learning, and serve as a basis for a deeper dive into course content and those active learning strategies conducted in the face-to-face environment.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand how constructive alignment is key to hybrid course design. (2) Connect learning outcomes with assessment. (3) Identify several software technologies to facilitate student learning in a hybrid course.


Track/Theme: Course/Curriculum Design, Engaging/Motivating Students, Innovative Pedagogy



Ethical Behavior as Leadership in Education

Pierre Boulos - University of Windsor


Although there is a growing body of literature pertaining to “best” practices in teaching, surprisingly there is very little pertaining to the ethics in teaching. Ethical principles will be developed and used in examining ethically relevant teaching cases.


Abstract: What does it mean to be a professional? Professionals are able to refer to professional codes of conduct in answering this question. To what can we refer as university teachers? University teachers, regardless of academic discipline, do face or are part of complex ethical issues regularly. Although there is a growing body of literature pertaining to “best” practices in teaching, surprisingly there is very little pertaining to the ethics in teaching. Ethical principles will be developed and used in examining ethically relevant teaching cases.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Articulate ethical principles underlying teaching conduct. (2) Discuss ethical issues in teaching in higher ed. (3) Apply ethical principles in analyzing cases in teaching in higher ed.


Track/Theme: Diversity/Inclusion, Engaging/Motivating Students, Preparing Future Faculty



Jokes as Parables for Teaching and Learning

Dom Caristi - Ball State University


Jokes can serve as parables for teaching and learning. After hearing examples, participants then break into groups to create their own examples.


Abstract: Humor has long been recognized as a technique for making information more “sticky,” so why isn’t it more common in faculty development? Colleges and universities are investing in centers for teaching and learning, which would benefit by including humor. The session will begin with examples of jokes and how they can be used as parables for teaching and learning. The participants will then break into groups to create their own examples. Finally, participants who are interested in pursuing the topic beyond the conference will be invited to participate in a “crowd sourced” book on the topic.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Create parables about teaching and learning that are more memorable than just bullet points on a slide. (2) Employ humor as a tool for faculty development. (3) Collect anecdotes and evaluate their usefulness as parables for teaching and learning.


Track/Theme: Faculty Development, Preparing Future Faculty



The Best Answer (at a Moment in Time)

Dana Connell - Columbia College Chicago


Students want to know, “what is the right answer? Or, which answer will earn them full credit and award the “A” grade. This session offers research and explores in-class activities to foster a collaborative approach leveraging soft skill development towards the best answer.  


Abstract: Design thinking, and lab-like programs are on the rise, yet faculty can model these approaches in their own classrooms. This presentation offers a design thinking approach to in-class activities enhancing soft skills and the ability for students to think collaboratively. The session will create an environment encouraging faculty to frame their teaching through the lens of facilitation-based teaching replacing the right answer with creative thinking and imaginative learning. Using low-stakes, fast moving activities students develop a comfort for interaction which builds to improved decision making throughout the semester.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify activities for quick rapid decision making to share across disciplines or classroom sizes. (2) Consider degrees of difficulty in decision making moving from low-stakes to higher level problem solving. (3) Practice rapid fire icebreaker models followed by longer teamwork brainstorming towards a best answer.


Track/Theme: Course/Curriculum Design, Engaging/Motivating Students, Innovative Pedagogy



Learner Abilities: Universal Classroom Supports and Accommodations in Higher Education

Danette  Crozier - Ferris State University


The session will be on the development of universal supports, accommodations, and formative and summative evaluations for students with unique learning abilities in higher education.


Abstract: Much support is given to students in the K-12 setting.  Schools are required to provide extensive learning, behavioral, and emotional interventions for learners.  The National Center for Education reported that in 2017, 20.4 million students were likely to enroll in college; 11% disclose having a learning disability.  As a result, students are entering college classrooms with learning abilities that are unique and oftentimes unknown to faculty.  This session will assist participants in helping students identify their own needs for successful learning.   Through demonstration and collaborative discussion, effective strategies for applying universal accommodations and supports in the classroom will be modeled.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Analyze, identify and evaluate the various learning needs of students in their classrooms. (2) Use knowledge gained to provide meaningful universal classroom accommodations and supports for all students while recognizing learning abilities and functional limitations of students. (3) Create innovative and alternative measures of student knowledge and learning using a synthesis of assignments and classroom activities: formative and summative.


Track/Theme: Diversity/Inclusion



Assessing Outcomes of Service-Learning: Student and Community Reflections

Emily Feuerherm, Kazuko Hiramatsu, and Kenneth Williams - University of Michigan-Flint and Kettering University


This roundtable discussion presents findings from a pre- and post-questionnaire of students’ civic attitudes and community partnerships from three service-learning courses from two universities.


Abstract: Using survey data from students and community partners, we evaluated the impact of service learning in three courses at two universities. Although the courses differed across discipline (first year experience, TESOL, business) and level (first year, capstone), the majority of students shared a desire to make a positive difference in their communities. Comparing pre- and post-tests, we see changes in students’ attitudes about community service, knowledge about the community, and confidence level related to interpersonal skills. Survey results from our community partners suggest that we were successful in establishing a mutually beneficial relationship.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe models for community engaged service learning projects across disciplines and levels. (2) Assess the soft skills and civic attitudes acquired by students as a result of service learning projects. (3) Evaluate the effectiveness, success, and benefits of academic-community partnerships for community engaged service learning.


Track/Theme: Assessment, Engaging/Motivating Students, Service/Experiential Learning



A STEM Faculty Learning Community

Thomas Pentecost, Sarah Mullins, Marshall Werner, and Stephen Rybczynski  - Grand Valley State University


STEM faculty will describe their experience in a faculty learning community designed to increase the use of active learning pedagogies.


Abstract: During the 2018-19 academic year a group of STEM faculty participated in a faculty learning community to increase the use of active learning pedagogies in introductory STEM courses. Faculty spent a semester doing background reading and designing/revising an activity for use in their winter semester courses. During the winter semester, faculty implemented and began to evaluate the impact of the activity. This presentation will include a description of the structure of the faculty learning community and the background readings used. Faculty learning community participants will share their experiences, describe the activity they developed, and share their preliminary results. 


Learning Outcomes: (1) Replicate the design of a successful STEM faculty learning community. (2) Anticipate possible obstacles to overcome when introducing active learning pedagogies. (3) Generate ideas for the incorporation of active learning pedagogies in their class.


Track/Theme: Course/Curriculum Design, Innovative Pedagogy, STEM



Concept Mapping: An Alternative Final Assignment

Kimberly Pusateri - Northwestern University


Although students may expect an essay or exam as the culminating assignment, concept mapping is an alternative option that can satisfy course learning objectives.


Abstract: Concept mapping is a particularly helpful strategy for helping students organize knowledge and visualize connections and relationships between relevant concepts/ideas/theories (Horton et al., 1993; Novak & Canas, 2008). In this session, participants will discover how to implement concept mapping as a culminating assignment in an undergraduate class. Specifically, participants will have the opportunity to review an assignment description and representative examples of student-generated concept maps. I will sha


Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand how concept mapping can be used as an alternative to a final exam or essay. (2) Design a concept map assignment.  (3) Communicate the value of concept map assignments.


Track/Theme: Course/Curriculum Design, Engaging/Motivating Students, Learning Communities



Rally Your Connections: Community Collaborations for Increasing Student Workplace Opportunities

Robin Spring - Grand Valley State University


Collaborate with professional organizations to provide experiential learning and networking to enhance portfolios, connect students with mentors and potentially create internship and job opportunities.


Abstract: Research confirms professionals value internships and workplace simulated experiential learning (West & Simmons, 2011; Yoo & Morris, 2015).  This session will outline a variety of ideas for collaborating with campus and community professionals/organizations to provide experiential learning; enhance portfolios and leverage professional opportunities; applicable to various disciplines. The national narrative questioning the cost/value of higher education, particularly liberal arts education, and the issue of college debt, have implications for this discussion (Hefling, 2015; Krantrowitz, 2016; Lederman, 2014; Lee, 2013).  Preparing students for the real-world work place through proactive methods is topical, worthwhile and more relevant than ever in 2019.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify campus resources for student employment assistance. (2) Identify community organizations/professionals valuable for student engagement. (3) Take away several ideas for community collaborations and professional networking.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Engaging/Motivating Students, Service/Experiential Learning



I Have a Graduate Assistant! Now What?

Kris Thompson and Chris Stiller - Oakland University


An interactive presentation about graduate assistant development, a process for establishing goals and expectations, and mentoring strategies for graduate assistants who aspire to become faculty.


Abstract: A conceptual framework that outlines factors contributing to and a process for sharing goals and expectations that facilitate a successful relationship between graduate assistants and their faculty supervisors will be presented. Based on their research and the literature the presenters will describe strategies for and lead a discussion about successful mentoring for graduate assistants. Participants will discuss and share information about the practices that they have found contribute to successful relationships with their graduate assistants. Resources to support graduate assistants who aspire to become faculty, as well as ways to overcome challenges, will be shared by presenters and participants.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify factors contributing to a successful relationship  between graduate assistants and their faculty supervisors. (2) Describe a process to establish realistic goals and expectations for graduate assistantships. (3) Discuss mentoring strategies that support goals and expectations for graduate assistants who aspire to become faculty.


Track/Theme: Academic Success, Engaging/Motivating Students, Preparing Future Faculty



How Teaching Online Made Me a Better F2F Instructor

Maureen Wolverton - Grand Valley State University


This presentation examines how lessons learned through teaching online can transfer to improve the quality of instruction in any classroom format.


Abstract: Online students often show signs of distress faster than students in traditional classes. Extending Lani Guinier’s “Miner’s Canary” metaphor, instructors can look to these signals for hints of trouble within the atmosphere in the mines/classroom. Instead of affixing the canary with a tiny gas mask and locating the problem within the bird/student, we can examine ways to improve the quality in the mines/classroom for all students.


Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe Lani Guinier’s Miner’s Canary metaphor and extend this concept to online teaching and learning. (2) Identify how best practices for online instruction transfer to traditional classroom settings. (3) Reflect on how best practices for online instruction transfer to their own classrooms.


Track/Theme: Classroom Technologies, Diversity/Inclusion, Teaching Online

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